Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Better Butter Chicken and Curried Vegetable Hash

I love Indian food. When I see Indian people, I crave Indian food. Clearly, I want it every day. The unfortunate truth is that it's always better in the restaurant. And, this recipe is no different.

I substituted Madras Curry Powder for the all the spices, because it seemed to have most of them in there, and it was far cheaper than purchasing them separately. I also had to use more coconut milk, because I didn't think there was enough to simmer my chicken in. The Better Butter Chicken recipe is here and pasted below.

I have made Butter Chicken before, and it was pretty close to paleo. You can find that recipe, here. If you can bargain on the cream, it can be paleo-ish. It uses Garam Masala, so maybe using that in the paleo recipe would make it better.

Curried Vegetable hash was very tasty, though. I ended up using an extra egg, because my sweet potatoes were quite large. It was a great compliment to the chicken, and actually brought the chicken up a bit, I thought. Couldn't find recipe online. Let me know if it's not in your huge-teeth lady book.  No pictures. Sorry. :)

Better Butter Chicken
2 1/2 lbs boneless chicken thighs
1 red onion diced
3 tbsp coconut oil
6 oz can tomato paste
½ can coconut milk
½ tbsp crushed garlic
½ tsp cardamom powder
½ tsp coriander powder
1 tsp fenugreek powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp sea salt
4 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)
Cut the chicken thighs into bite size pieces and set aside. In a large skillet or soup pot, heat the coconut oil over medium heat and add the diced onion and saute until translucent.  Turn your heat down to low and to the onion and oil mixture, add the crushed garlic, cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, and chili powder and stir well to make a paste.  Add the tomato paste to the onions and spices and stir, this mixture will be very thick.  Turn your heat back up to medium and add the coconut milk and salt.  Use a whisk to blend the tomato paste spice mixture and coconut milk together into a thick sauce.  Bring the sauce to a simmer and add the chicken.  Return the sauce and chicken to a simmer, turn down to medium low, cover and cook for approximately 15 minutes or until the chicken is done all the way through – make sure you stir occasionally during the cooking process. After the chicken is cooked, add the ghee and mix into the sauce until melted.  Serve the chicken over steamed red chard or any other green of your choice.

1 comment:

  1. Toothy lady has roasted squash bits. Not the same. I'll take your veggie hash recipe - or some just loose notes on it.
